Thursday, June 2, 2016

AERIM REU students are off to a good start

After receiving their project assignments last week, REU students quickly dove into their respective research tasks. It is always amazing to see how quickly they are able to take ownership of their projects and how about a week into the program (interrupted by the long Memorial day weekend) they are already starting to articulate the motivation and goals of their research. Many have been spending time delving into the published literature or learning necessary background material. Others are learning how to use equipment or how to run simulations. We look forward to seeing what they will come up with in the weeks to come. Some groups have already set up blogs or websites to document some of their progress. Please feel free to follow their work at the links below:

Other news:
The REU students attended the First Oakland University Graduate Student research Conference on May 27, 2016. There they got attend oral research presentations by graduate students from a variety of disciplines as well as explore poster presentations by other students. We expect this experience to help them when it will be their turn to give oral and poster presentations.

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